Subscription Pricing

ThriveSmart is free for individuals to use to interact with coaches and mentors, send feedback and suggestions, testimonials, kudos, and quotes.

Sponsoring organizations can view interaction scores and usage details; they cannot view any individuals' feedback, suggestions, or interaction text.

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We want everyone to have tools to help them thrive at work.

Get Started
  • Work with Coaches & Mentors
  • Request Suggestion & Feedback
  • Request Anonymous Feedback
  • Request and Share Testimonials
  • Show Appreciation with Quotes and Kudos
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Small Organization
(Up to 499 users)

$5 per user

Organizations benefit when employees thrive at work.

Get Started
  • All the Free Stuff
  • View user interaction scores
  • Create custom surveys
  • Realtime Leader Boards
  • Download per-user usage statistics
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Medium Organization
(500 to 1,999 users)

$4 per user

Organizations benefit when employees thrive at work.

Get Started
  • All the Free Stuff
  • View user interaction scores
  • Create custom surveys
  • Realtime Leader Boards
  • Download per-user usage statistics
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Large Organizations
(2,000 to 9,999)

$3 per user

Promote a culture where sharing feedback is the norm.

Get Started
  • All the Free Stuff
  • View user interaction scores
  • Create custom surveys
  • Realtime Leader Boards
  • Download per-user usage statistics